Best Incense for Positive Energy

Burning incense dates back thousands of years and has been a revered practice in many cultures and religions. It is believed that the aromatic smoke produced from incense can purify the environment, promote calmness, and bring about positive energy.

Choosing the right incense can be transformative if you’re seeking to uplift your spirits, enhance your meditation practice, or infuse your space with pleasant vibes. Here are some of the best incense known for their positive energy and the types in which they are available.

The Best Way To Get Positve Enrgy Is With Incense Cones And This Incense Waterfall it is super relaxing and inexpensive i use mine all the time.

  • SandalwoodType: Wood
  • Benefits: Sandalwood is renowned for its calming properties. It promotes mental clarity, relaxation, and a feeling of peace. Its rich, woody aroma is grounding and can aid in deep meditation.
  1. Frankincense
  • Type: Resin
  • Benefits: Often used in religious ceremonies, frankincense is believed to purify and sanctify an area. It can help reduce stress, alleviate anxiety, and enhance spiritual awareness.
  1. Lavender
  • Type: Flower
  • Benefits: Known for its soothing properties, lavender can help relieve stress, promote sleep, and uplift moods. Its floral scent can create a serene atmosphere, ideal for relaxation.
  1. Nag Champa
  • Type: Blend (typically of sandalwood, champak flower, and other resins)
  • Benefits: Popular among meditation practitioners, Nag Champa is known to harmonize and balance the energies in a space. It encourages tranquillity and deep contemplation.
  1. Palo Santo
  • Type: Wood
  • Benefits: Used by indigenous South Americans in spiritual rituals, Palo Santo, which means “Holy Wood,” is believed to cleanse negative energies and bring about healing and good fortune.
  1. Sage
  • Type: Plant/Herb
  • Benefits: Sage, especially white sage, is often used in smudging rituals and is believed to cleanse spaces and individuals of negative energy. Burning sage can also improve clarity and wisdom.
  1. Jasmine
  • Type: Flower
  • Benefits: Jasmine’s sweet, floral aroma is said to bring about feelings of love, peace, and self-confidence. It is also linked to prophetic dreams and spiritual devotion.
  1. Rose
  • Type: Flower
  • Benefits: Synonymous with love and purity, the scent of rose incense can elevate one’s mood, promote love and compassion, and stimulate heart chakra energy.

Using Incense Safely:

Always burn incense in well-ventilated areas and keep it away from flammable materials. Use a proper holder or burner, and never leave burning incense unattended.

Here’s a table of incense, their meanings, and descriptions:

Incense Meaning Description
Sandalwood Calmness, Mental Clarity Renowned for its calming properties. Promotes relaxation, mental clarity, and peace with its rich, woody aroma.
Frankincense Purification, Sanctification Often used in religious ceremonies, it reduces stress, alleviates anxiety, and enhances spiritual awareness.
Lavender Soothing, Stress Relief Known for its soothing properties, it can help alleviate stress, promote sleep, and uplift moods.
Nag Champa Harmony, Balance A blend popular among meditation practitioners. I am known to harmonize and balance energies and encourage tranquility.
Palo Santo Cleansing, Healing Used by indigenous South Americans in spiritual rituals, it is believed to cleanse negative energies and bring fortune.
Sage Clarity, Wisdom They are often used in smudging rituals to cleanse spaces and individuals of negative energy and to improve clarity.
Jasmine Love, Spiritual Connection Its sweet aroma brings feelings of love, peace, and self-confidence. It is linked to prophetic dreams and spiritual devotion.
Rose Love, Purity Synonymous with love and purity. It elevates mood, promotes love and compassion, and stimulates heart chakra energy.


This table provides a quick reference to the meanings and descriptions of various incense types.